Aus der Wörtersammlung: jeff blumenkrantz




nord­pol : 2.38 — Eine sanf­te Inter­pre­ta­ti­on des Gedich­tes Recuer­do von Edna St. Vin­cent Mil­lay ent­deckt: Rebec­ca Luker und Jeff Blu­men­krantz live at the Zip­per Fac­to­ry ( New York / Hells Kitt­chen ) 2005, Jahr­zehn­te zuvor spricht die Urhe­be­rin des Gedich­tes selbst. > WE were very tired, we were very merry­ / We had gone back and forth all night on the fer­ry. / It was bare and bright, and smel­led like a stable­ / But we loo­ked into a fire, we lea­ned across a table, / We lay on a hill-top under­neath the moon; / And the whist­les kept blo­wing, and the dawn came soon. // We were very tired, we were very merry­ / We had gone back and forth all night on the fer­ry; / And you ate an apple, and I ate a pear, / From a dozen of each we had bought some­whe­re; / And the sky went wan, and the wind came cold, / And the sun rose drip­ping, a bucketful of gold. // We were very tired, we were very mer­ry, / We had gone back and forth all night on the fer­ry. / We hai­led, “Good mor­row, mother!” to a shawl-cover­ed head, / And bought a mor­ning paper, which neither of us read; / And she wept, “God bless you!” for the app­les and pears, / And we gave her all our money but our sub­way fares.- stop / film­quel­len: jeff blu­men­krantz & mel­low cri­cket — you tube

