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Ver­suchs­an­ord­nung > 20.05 – 20.07 Uhr MEZ : Krapp im Chat

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[Krapp joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
[82users in chan­nel Welcome!]

RickJ2!!: Bye bye.
Krapp: „Have just eaten I reg­ret to say three bana­nas and only with dif­fi­cul­ty refrai­ned from a fourth.“
Gulli_S2: Hotmail?
[katsu left chan­nel Welcome!]
UrFix­a­ti­on: Omg, stop it with the bana­na story.
Krapp: „Fatal things for a man with my condition.“
2005Guy!!: Ur…is get­ting
Gulli_S2: Hotmail
[muff’ joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
Krapp: „Extra­or­di­na­ry silence this evening.“
UrFix­a­ti­on: lol
UrFix­a­ti­on: I am
RickJ2!!: Some old sto­ries krapp.
[muff’ left chan­nel Welcome!] is away from keyboard.
UrFix­a­ti­on: Flashbacks
UrFix­a­ti­on: lol
Gulli_S2: Fuck you!
Krapp: „I strain my ears and do not hear a sound.“
RickJ2!!: lol
[Gulli_S2 left chan­nel Welcome!]
2005Guy!!: I bet…not pretty
UrFix­a­ti­on grins evilly.
RickJ2!!: Watch out gulli
Krapp: „Just been lis­tening to an old year, pas­sa­ges at random.“
[2HOT4YOU left chan­nel Welcome!]
Angus­Y­oung: I just found out i have lung can­cer and it sucks!
RickJ2!!: aww
Krapp: „I did not check in the book, but it must be at least ten or twel­ve years ago.“
UrFix­a­ti­on: Whe­re did that come from?
[Gui­tarAd­dic­ted left chan­nel Welcome!]
2005Guy!!: Woaw.
[Play­boyl­overs joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
Krapp: „Now the day is over.“
2005Guy!!: Zackly.
SlicK­girl: Should i sim­ply mute him?
[Muff joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
RickJ2!!: Same sto­ries krapp, right?
[Kalkan left chan­nel Welcome!]
[Space Mon­key left chan­nel Welcome!]
Muff greets all.
Krapp: „Night is dra­wing nigh-igh.“
[Por­to-boy joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
2005Guy!!: I thought i just had dezavu…
RickJ2!!: Get it??
Play­boyl­overs: hi dudes
Play­boyl­overs: lol
Krapp: „Shadows.“
2005Guy!!: Don’t know how to spell
[Angus­Y­oung left chan­nel Welcome!]
RickJ2!!: Hey baaby
[Bryan1997_4_you joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
[Desi­ree left chan­nel Welcome!]
Bryan1997_4_you: Hi all
Muff: Chess game anybody?
Lil­li: Wait an minute
Bryan1997_4_you: Anyo­ne wan­na chat
RickJ2!!: Krapp do you know english?
[Andriy!!!! left chan­nel Welcome!]
[Lana-puma-hoty joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
19-m-Fran­cais: Kein Deutsch hier?
UrFix­a­ti­on: Nein
Muff: RickJ2 do you fan­cy me.
Krapp: „Past mid­night. Never knew such silence. The earth might be uninhabited.“
The­bi­go­ne greets all.
[BlackScor­pi­on left chan­nel Welcome!]
[Joe­NY left chan­nel Welcome!]
Bryan1997_4_you: hi courtney
RickJ2!!: what u mean muff
[Coun­try-Boy joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
Muff: RickJ2 why do u igno­re me?
Por­to-boy greets all.
Lil­li greets all.
[Krapp left channel]


