Aus der Wörtersammlung: people




romeo : 6.15 — Atem­los auf Twit­ter­chan­nel stun­den­lang PersianKiwi’s <140 Zei­chen­bot­schaf­ten aus Tehe­ran beob­ach­tet: I am online for few minu­tes. total com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on black­out here. gov pani­cking. very dan­ge­rous. mobi­le pho­nes down. sms, outa­ge, face­book and all news chan­nels out. / uncon­firm­ed but peo­p­le say­ing may kil­led last night. / coun­try is at standstill. like war time. peo­p­le con­fu­sed, frigh­ten­ed. reports that militia car­ry­ing live ammu­ni­ti­on to kill. / have seen my inbox. thank you all for sup­port. plea­se help us by pres­su­re. keep us in news plea­se dont for­get. / peo­p­le try­ing to gather for march. roads blo­cked ever­whe­re. 
/ have no news of tehr­an uni dorm. rumours that many kil­led and rema­in­der arres­ted. / i am now at a fri­ends house. try­ing to get in to uni dorm area. all roads blo­cked, 
/ gov spre­a­ding rumous that mach can­cel­led. that is not true. WE MARCH AT 4pm. 
/ almost no mobi­le pho­ne covera­ge in city. land­li­nes working but can­not access mobi­les. they are frigh­ten­ed. / plea­se tell all — march is NOT CANCELLED today. Mou­sa­vi is in dan­ger of being kil­led. / peo­p­le say­ing that army is split. peo­p­le tal­king of coup. uncon­firm­ed. we need army on our side. / I am being told that many gathe­ring at haram Imam Kho­mei­ni for march. gov can­not kill us the­re. but roads clo­sed. / inter­net con­nec­tion v/bad. just heard that tehr­an uni dorm under sei­ge. stu­dents bar­ri­ca­ded insi­de. »>



