
kairo nachts


india : 17.02 - Gigi Ibra­him, ägyp­ti­sche Akti­vis­tin, twit­tert von Mit­ter­nacht bis 10 Uhr mor­gens fol­gen­de Sequen­zen in eng­li­scher Spra­che, 42 Tweets in ara­bi­scher Spra­che sind an die­ser Stel­le nicht wie­der­ge­ge­ben: 

Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 17h 

My friend’s uncle was shot and kil­led in ‪#Alex­an­dria along 5 others +100s inju­red while mil­li­ons of peo­p­le chee­ring Sisi to end bloodshed
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 17h 

Fol­low ‪@Fo2ElSoto7 report­ing on his uncle’s death and the inju­red from insi­de the hopi­tal in ‪#alex­an­dria ..may he RIP :(

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 17h 

Fol­low ‪@Moud_Aly for updates in ‪#Alex­an­dria
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 17h 

Com­ra­de Med­hat El Shin­na­wy got detai­ned by poli­ce in ‪#Damit­ta for rai­sing anti-SCAF ban­ner along with Sus­an Gho­niem and others

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 17h 

The situa­ti­on in ‪#alex­an­dria is inten­se, 150 arres­ted inclu­ding women and inju­red (trans­la­ti­on of ‪#PT ) armed thugs around the mos­que
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 16h 

‪@Beltrew by 6 oct brig­de on nasr st …it’s far from cen­ter that why u cant see it
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 16h 

‪@alaa ‪@Fo2ElSoto7 while army and poli­ce the­re but not inter­vening

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 14h 

Reprots on clas­hes by ‪#Rabaa pro Mor­sy sit-in resul­ting in 3 dead and many inju­red (so far), seems like Sisi’s man­da­te is in effect.

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 14h 

I live in ‪#NasrCi­ty clo­se to ‪#Rabaa and I can hear the sound of the ambu­lan­ces the­re
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 13h 

‪@MowSamy the ques­ti­on is how did the­se wea­pons get the­re in the first place?
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 13h 

‪@QALAWA ‪@MowSamy exact­ly then who is respon­si­ble and should be pro­se­cu­ted? The lea­ders of ikhwan not kil­ling pro­tes­ters
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 13h 

‪@MowSamy to arrest the lea­ders of ikhwan even go into the sitin to cap­tu­re them, why r the­se ppl still free?
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 12h 

I am hea­ring gun shots from home ..near rabaa ‪#NasrCi­ty

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

I lite­ral­ly am hea­ring machi­ne guns being fired ‪#NasrCi­ty near ‪#Rabaa

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

Still hea­ring gun fire being shot while sit­ting home near / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

It’s a bit iro­nic that the tear gas being fired at Pro-Mor­sy pro­tes­ters was pro­ba­b­ly shipped/delivered under Mor­sy to be used against us

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

It is also iro­nic to read tweets coming from ‪#Rabaa abt how hor­ri­ble the tear gas is,simply cuz it has been a while sin­ce MB have smel­led it

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

Let me be clear,I didnt join pro­tests cal­ling for Sisi’s man­da­te &i’m against Mor­sy & ‪#Rabaa sitin but I only belie­ve in one slo­gan ‪#ACAB

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

Repe­ti­ti­ve gun shots ‪#NasrCi­ty ..near ‪#Rabaa

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

‪@0301kalam check my time­line u idi­ot ‪#block! / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 10h 

I love hea­ring chruch bells in the mor­ning ..for a chan­ge ‪#NasrCi­ty

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 10h 

Still hea­ring gun shots being fired repe­ti­tively ‪#NasrCi­ty …near ‪#Rabaa
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 9h 

‪#Rabaa field hos­pi­tal via ‪@soltanlife / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 9h 

GRAPHIC peo­p­le kil­led at ‪#Rabaa via ‪@3askarKateloon / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 9h 

GRAPHIC I’m against Mor­sy, against Sisi/SCAF man­da­te and against poli­ce kil­ling pro­tes­ters (pic) / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 9h 

The sound of gun fire on and off sin­ce 3am until now ..near ‪#Rabaa ‪#NasrCi­ty

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 9h 

GRAPHIC makes­hift hos­pi­tal 4hrs ago via ‪@moh_sawaf / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 9h 

:( RT ‪@kfahim: Nine­teen bodies in the ‪#Rabaa field hos­pi­tal just now. / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 8h 

I haven’t slept all night and I cant sleep ..this is real­ly too much hap­pe­ning to take in at once ‪#men­talb­reak­down

 Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 8h 

I am hea­ring someone yel­ling “ya allah” on the street by my house near ‪#Rabaa ‪#NasrCi­ty

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 8h 

I have a pro­blem w/ peo­p­le who are ok & actual­ly hap­py w/mascares even if I oppo­se tho­se being kil­led & would like to see them pro­se­cu­ted

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 8h 

MB will not lea­ve any easier now and anyo­ne who was ever in clas­hes b4 never for­gets the moment ur fri­end was kil­led regard­less of the cau­se

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 8h 

I will never for­gi­ve all the 60 years of past regimes, poli­ti­cal cor­rup­ti­on & dic­ta­tor­ship is the root of all night­ma­res we are living today

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 7h 

‪@Agenda_kid ‪@SoniaElSakka ‪@TheKaouther ‪@hfakhry dont open ur mouth befo­re actual­ly kno­wing what u r tal­king about ‪#idi­ot

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 7h 

:(( I still cant sleep ..I will try

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 8h 

Seems like in all Arab Spring sta­tes, ques­ti­on of poli­ti­cal Islam is domi­na­ting the streets and the poli­ti­cal sce­ne ‪#Tuni­sia ‪#Egypt ‪#Libya / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11m 

I woke up hoping that the mas­sacre at Rabaa was just a night­ma­re to find out that I am day­d­re­a­ming ..last night was a tra­ge­dy RIP

 — stop :::  gigi ibra­him on twitter

