MELDUNG. An diesem kühlen Donnerstag, es war 6 Uhr und 8 Minuten in der Früh, wurde Käferdame Franziska [ 18 Gramm ] von Käfer Christopher [ 11 Gramm ] erstmals mittels rhythmischer Lumineszenz von hellblauer Farbe begrüßt. Sie selbst morst in rötlicher Beleuchtung. ~ MPI für Biotechnologie, Ungererstr 12, 6. Stock : Labor IIc‑8 : Level 4. — stop
Aus der Wörtersammlung: level
mammillaria lux — 325
echinocereus echinopsis LX — 718
MELDUNG. Drei Kakteen [ Gattung : echinocereus echinopsis LX — 718 ] haben gestern, 26. August 2017 um achtzehn Uhr fundundzwanzig MEZ, zwölf Pfund filigranes Stachelhorn auf flüchtende Laboranten geschossen. [ MPI für Biotechnologie, 5th floor : Labor IIId‑7 : Level 4 ] — stop
MELDUNG. An diesem warmen Mittwoch, es war 7 Uhr und 8 Minuten in der Früh, wurde Käferdame Lucinda [ 15 Gramm ] von Käfer Joseph [ 22 Gramm ] erstmals mittels rhythmischer Lumineszenzen von violetter Farbe begrüßt. Sie selbst morst in gelblicher Beleuchtung. ~ MPI für Biotechnologie, Ungererstr 12, 6. Stock : Labor IIc‑8 : Level 4. — stop
MELDUNG. Um 7 Uhr und 5 Minuten in der Früh, es ist Donnerstag, wurde Käferdame Helena [ 14 Gramm ] von Käfer Julian [ 18 Gramm ] erstmals mittels rhythmischer Lumineszenzen von roter Farbe begrüßt. Sie selbst morst in gelber oder blauer Beleuchtung. ~ MPI für Biotechnologie, Ungererstr 12, 6. Stock : Labor IIc‑8 : Level 4. — stop
nordpol : 23.56 — Kairo. Mittwoch. Schlaflos im abgedunkelten Zimmer. Südliches Mittagstundenlicht. Drei Monitore auf dem Sofa, ein Fernsehbildschirm, ein Telefon. Beobachte den Tag über aus großer Entfernung Spuren eines menschlichen Infernos. Kommentatoren in englischer und arabischer Sprache. Das Geräusch der Schüsse hell. Loops, die immer wieder die selben grauenvollen Bilder zeigen. Gigi Ibrahim, ägyptische Aktivistin, twittert vom frühen Morgen an in englischer Sprache, 2 Tweets in arabischer Sprache sind an dieser Stelle nicht wiedergegeben: Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug — I guess we have reached the zero hour #rabaa army and police moving in to disperse both pro-Morsy sit in ..this won’t be pretty #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug I can hear from home which is near #rabaa the gunshots being fired other than that there is no channels covering this #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Mehwar channel is actually airing some live footage by Nahda and Rabaa / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Mehwar Tv showing full bodied armored riot police with tear gas shotguns getting ready #Rabaa #Nahda ONTVlive is airing some footage too / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Huge amounts of trucks army, police, and special forces flooding #Nahda sitin with tear gas live on ONTVLIVE / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug A warning speech is being announced via loud speakers with army trucks directing protesters to not resist providing them a safe exit #nahda / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Big black smoke coming out of the sit in protesters might have lit some tires to deter the tear gas smoke #nahda / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug / If I am not mistaken, these loud sharp round shots are sound shots now live in #nahda via OnTvlive / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug This is the first time I see those loud speakers for warning before dispersing a sit in #Rabaa / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 /14 Aug Helicopter flying over near #rabaa now I can hear it from home ..I also can hear gun shots #NasrCity / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Trucks are going into #rabaa to level all the barriers MB have put up huge amounts of tear gas bring fired, smoke everywhere via Mehwar / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug This is Abaas el Akad st #NasrCity / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Al Nahar is bringing close up footage #Nahda sitin being leveled by trucks while gunshots are being fired in the background / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug MB in #Rabaa are reporting over 8 killed with live bullets this is unconfirmed but believable / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Non stop helicopters flying over #rabaa area / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug I have never seen the army or police dispersing a sit-in this way, usually it is shoot, kill, or/& detain still I am against the disperse / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Mehwar TV is saying that Mobil gas station (located at Youssef Abbas and Nasr st) at #Rabaa sit in has exploded! / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug MB pro-Morsy supporters are protesting at Aswan governerate building in response to the attacks in #nahda and #rabaa / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug According to aljz footage, army and riot police have yet to reach the center of the sitin in #Rabaa still full of people rushing injured / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug #Rabaa stage has shiekhs in gas masks parying surreal looking / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug #rabaa field hospital showing mostly the floor and camera moving around then a few injured/dead via aljazeera / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Health ministry reports no deaths yet, state TV reports 2 police officers killed, aljzeera now says 77 MB killed #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Footage on aljzeera showing snipers but honestly I cant confirm where exactly in #Rabaa or how genuin it is..looks off but could be real too / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Aljazeera is streaming live #rabaa audio and recycling the same footage ..pretty much #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Now aljzeera jumps the killed from 77 to 120 via the field hospital #rabaa / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug “@Beltrew: Live ammo being shot from police, crouching behind car” #Rabaa #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug “@tomfinn2: Getting arrested” #Rabaa AFP reporter is getting atrested 8:48 am #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug “@tomfinn2: With two photographers, soldiers have taken their cameras and deleting all their photos.” AFP reporter at #Rabaa arrested / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug @sarahussein @tomfinn2 @FarahSaafan corrected my bad Tom is reuters’ not AFP reporter / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Footage from Nahda in Giza showing several arrests by police of protesters / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug MB pro-Morsy supporters in #alexandria are also proteating in response to the dispersal of Nahda and Rabaa sit ins #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug “@tomfinn2: They let us go.” Reuters reporter let go after been arrested in #Rabaa but all footage deleted / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug @MariamKirollos @cairowire ? Explain the seems part plz / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Sound of gunfire continues where i live near #rabaa / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Aljazeera jumps from 77 to 120 to now 450 killed in #Rabaa via the field hospital / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Here goes the helicopters again above #Rabaa area where I live / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Dispersing the sitin will only get the Islamists more united, more organized and more mobilized who knows what will happen #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug More violence and more repression is what’s expected by today’s dispersal..if you think MB force will go down this easy, u r mistaken / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug What is happening in Mohandssien? / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Apparently MB attempting to start a sit in in Mohandssien in Mostafa Mahmoud sq and blocked some roads / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Teat gas reachee in front of stage in #Rabaa ..people runjing but most resisting and throwinf back the tear gas via aljazeera / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug In response to army & police attack of pro-Morsy sit-ins few churches and copts-owned shops have been burned or attacked in upper #Egypt Many journalists are cordoned off, not allowed entry to Rabaa even though they made if clear to security forces they are reporters. / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug While all media is focused on #Rabaa and #Nahda sitins , chruches are being burnee and attacked in upper #Egypt ..No coverage!!! @Ontveg / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug I can here gun fire nonstop near #Rabaa where I live ..I also smell smoke even though I am abt 15 min walk from there #NasrCity / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Meanwhile in Mohandssien,“civilians” some w/ beards are tearing down a police car& vandalizing it beating another civilian dripping in blood / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug I am home & I feel trapped inside it & I’m not even looking over #Rabaa only near it..helicopters, gunshots, smoke by sitting on the couch / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug 6 october bridge closed! / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug They are too busy being MB mouthpiece RT “@MalakBoghdady: 6 churches burnt down in 3 hours!! Broadcast this if you dare @CNN #Egypt” / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 14 Aug Why the hell is NO one talking about churches being burned in ANY media???!! A7a / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 23h News about enforcing a curfew shortly ..this is shit #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 20h Curfew starts from 7 pm to 6am ..let’s see how many civilians will be tried in military courts this time..down with military rule !!! #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 20h I literally feel imprisoned and not the same feeling of fuck curfew like all the first months under SCAF #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 20h Dictatorships get cemented woith emergency law and curfews starts for just a “month” then it lasts a life time #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 20h @sarahlphillips email me (twitter name at gmail) / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 20h If the sitins were not attacked, imagine what would have happened then compare it with what is happening now .. #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 20h Beyond depressed with what is happening ..everything is shit #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 19h There is a small protest in the street behind my house chanting “ya rab, we are martyrs by the millions” #NasrCity side streets from #Rabaa / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 19h Statement from #Egypt Revolutionary Socialists on the massacre in Cairo, Down with military rule! / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 15h — Helicopters are still hovering around #Rabaa area even after it is cleared ..annoying to keep hearing it #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 19h El Baradie resigns #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 19h Morsy removed by army #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 19h haha El Baradie base who hate Ikhwan view him now as a coward,& the people who saw him as a tool now respect him for resigning #Truestory / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 19h My FB timeline is between cussing Baradie and those who are saluting him..i am indifferent, he should have known better going into SCAF gov / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 18h Photos: #Rabaa sitin second massacre / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 18h You know that feeling in your stomach that makes you feel like you can’t breathe that’s all i am feeling right now / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 18h anything streaming what is happening in #Rabaa now? ..have they cleared it all? / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 18h And the curfew starts.. #NoMilTrials #NoSCAF #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 18h The divisions are getting clearer and the grey area is diminishing #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 18h Those who are Ikwanophobic, pro-army, secularists, “pro-revolution” are the ones denouncing Baradie’s decision the hardest #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 18h Those who are pro-revolution, secularists, against SCAF’s massacre, yet against MB are more welcoming of Baradie’s choice #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 18h I hate to generalize, but sometimes it is needed to explain complex situations knowing that there are always exceptions #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 18h Curfew has been postponed to start at 9 pm instead of 7 pm, ends at 6 am #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 18h Tamrood go to fuckin hell! counter-revolution at best / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 17h / Being a news reporter in Egypt means you are not a reporter rather giving us your pathetic opinion (on whichever side you are) #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 17h CBC reports that MB leaders Beltagy, Erian, and Hegazy have been arrested by #Rabaa , anyone confirmed that? #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 17h @RamyYaacoub nationalism aka fascism / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 16h — #Moi presser is starting #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 16h — Until now MOI mentioned NOTHING of burnt churches #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 16h — He just mentioned 7 churches burnt but not that they failed to protect them #Moi #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 16h — #Moi denies the allegation of the escape and arrest of Beltagy, Hegazy and Erian being very vague #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 16h — #MOI presser was just cut on @ONtveg why? / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 16h — Why was the #MOI presser cut on all channels when it is not over yet ? #Egypt / Gigi Ibrahim @Gsquare86 16h — #MOI no sit in will be tolerated in any sq in the entire country and will be dealt with firmly in coordination with military forces #Egypt /// — stop ::: gigi ibrahim on twitter
echinocereus coccineus xdl — 77
MELDUNG. An diesem kühlen Donnerstag, es war 7 Uhr und 5 Minuten in der Früh, wurde Käferdame Helena [ 12 Gramm ] von Käfer Julian [ 17 Gramm ] erstmals mittels rhythmischer Lumineszenzen von blauer Farbe begrüßt. Sie selbst morst in grünlicher Beleuchtung. ~ MPI für Biotechnologie, Ungererstr 12, 6. Stock : Labor IIc‑8 : Level 4. — stop
manhattan transfer
ginkgo : 17.58 — Im Moment der Vergegenwärtigung, eine Minute stillzustehen und zu denken: Meine Schuhe berühren amerikanischen Boden. Könnt von hier aus nach Patagonien laufen, nach Feuerland, ohne je einen Schwimmzug zu unternehmen, südwärts, südwärts zur 42th Straße hin, den Lincoln Tunnel unter dem Hudson durch nach New Jersey, immer der Küste entlang, langsam, Schritt für Schritt. Aber dann nehmen mich meine Beine doch nordwärts mit sich fort, spazieren den Zoo der Bronx bis wir abends müde geworden das Fährpendelschiff Downtown erreichen. Schaun nach Holly, heut könnt sie kommen wie aus dem Nichts aus dem Strom der Menschen, Marsec Security Level 1, fröhlich grüßt sie die Matrosen, fliegt über die Gangway aufs untere Deck hin zum vertrauten Platz am Fenster ins Licht der flaschengrünen See. Hier nimmt sie unverzüglich ihre Arbeit auf, beginnt Zeichen von einem Buch auf regenfestes Papier zu übertragen: Mittagsstunde am Union Square. Ausverkauf. Müssen räumen. WIR HABEN EINEN SCHRECKLICHEN IRRTUM BEGANGEN. Auf dem staubigen Asphalt kniend, putzen kleine Jungen Schuhe, Halbschuhe, Sandalen, Knöpfelschuhe, Stiefeletten. Wie ein Löwenzahn glänzt die Sonne auf der Spitze jedes frisch geputzten Schuhs. — stop