Aus der Wörtersammlung: story




oli­mam­bo : 22.06 UTC — In der 38 Minu­te des fas­zi­nie­ren­den Films Bin im Wald. Kann sein, daß ich mich ver­spä­te erzählt Peter Hand­ke: Heut­zu­ta­ge scheint mir, dass man wirk­lich nur nach­stellt, was eh schon durch Fil­me, durch Fern­se­hen und Zei­tung eh schon sozu­sa­gen aus­ge­spuckt ist. Es muss erfun­den wer­den. Und eine Erfin­dung ist ganz was Sel­te­nes. Erfin­den zu dür­fen, zu kön­nen, zu sol­len, das ist nicht nor­mal. Es ist eine Art von Visi­on. Ohne Visi­on gehts nicht. / Der Lud­wig Hohl, der Schwei­zer Schrift­stel­ler, hat gesagt: Fan­ta­sie ist nicht Gau­ke­lei, son­dern ist die Erwär­mung, ich füge viel­leicht hin­zu — die herz­li­che Erwär­mung des Vor­han­de­nen, des­sen, was vor­han­den ist. Das ist Fan­ta­sie. Und nicht das Sto­rytel­ling. —  — stop / Und Bos­ni­en? Wie ist das gewe­sen? Wie erzählt und wie nicht erzählt? Ich muss wie­der das Lesen ler­nen und üben. Anmer­kung 15.10.2019




nord­pol : 23.56 — Kai­ro. Mitt­woch. Schlaf­los im abge­dun­kel­ten Zim­mer. Süd­li­ches Mit­tag­stun­den­licht. Drei Moni­to­re auf dem Sofa, ein Fern­seh­bild­schirm, ein Tele­fon. Beob­ach­te den Tag über aus gro­ßer Ent­fer­nung Spu­ren eines mensch­li­chen Infer­nos. Kom­men­ta­to­ren in eng­li­scher und ara­bi­scher Spra­che. Das Geräusch der Schüs­se hell. Loops, die immer wie­der die sel­ben grau­en­vol­len Bil­der zei­gen. Gigi Ibra­him, ägyp­ti­sche Akti­vis­tin, twit­tert vom frü­hen Mor­gen an in eng­li­scher Spra­che, 2 Tweets in ara­bi­scher Spra­che sind an die­ser Stel­le nicht wie­der­ge­ge­ben: 

Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug — I guess we have rea­ched the zero hour #rabaa army and poli­ce moving in to disper­se both pro-Mor­sy sit in ..this won’t be pret­ty #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug I can hear from home which is near #rabaa the gunshots being fired other than that the­re is no chan­nels cove­ring this #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Meh­war chan­nel is actual­ly airing some live foo­ta­ge by Nah­da and Rabaa / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Meh­war Tv show­ing full bodi­ed armored riot poli­ce with tear gas shot­guns get­ting rea­dy #Rabaa #Nah­da ONT­V­li­ve is airing some foo­ta­ge too / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Huge amounts of trucks army, poli­ce, and spe­cial forces floo­ding #Nah­da sitin with tear gas live on ONTVLIVE / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug A war­ning speech is being announ­ced via loud spea­k­ers with army trucks direc­ting pro­tes­ters to not resist pro­vi­ding them a safe exit #nah­da / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Big black smo­ke coming out of the sit in pro­tes­ters might have lit some tires to deter the tear gas smo­ke #nah­da / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug / If I am not mista­ken, the­se loud sharp round shots are sound shots now live in #nah­da via OnT­v­li­ve / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug This is the first time I see tho­se loud spea­k­ers for war­ning befo­re disper­sing a sit in #Rabaa / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 /14 Aug Heli­c­op­ter fly­ing over near #rabaa now I can  hear it from home ..I also can hear gun shots #NasrCi­ty / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Trucks are going into #rabaa to level all the bar­riers MB have put up huge amounts of tear gas bring fired, smo­ke ever­y­whe­re via Meh­war / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug This is Abaas el Akad st #NasrCi­ty / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Al Nahar is brin­ging clo­se up foo­ta­ge #Nah­da sitin being leve­led by trucks while gunshots are being fired in the back­ground / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug MB in #Rabaa are report­ing over 8 kil­led with live bul­lets this is uncon­firm­ed but belie­va­ble / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Non stop heli­c­op­ters fly­ing over #rabaa area / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug I have never seen the army or poli­ce disper­sing a sit-in this way, usual­ly it is shoot, kill, or/& detain still I am against the disper­se / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Meh­war TV is say­ing that Mobil gas sta­ti­on (loca­ted at Yous­sef Abbas and Nasr st) at #Rabaa sit in has explo­ded! / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug  MB pro-Mor­sy sup­port­ers are pro­test­ing at Aswan  gover­ne­ra­te buil­ding in respon­se to the attacks in #nah­da and #rabaa / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Accor­ding to aljz foo­ta­ge, army and riot poli­ce have yet to reach the cen­ter of the sitin in #Rabaa still full of peo­p­le rus­hing inju­red / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug #Rabaa stage has shiekhs in gas masks pary­ing sur­re­al loo­king / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug #rabaa field hos­pi­tal show­ing most­ly the flo­or and came­ra moving around then a few injured/dead via alja­ze­era / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Health minis­try reports no deaths yet, sta­te TV reports 2 poli­ce offi­cers kil­led, alj­ze­era now says 77 MB kil­led #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Foo­ta­ge on alj­ze­era show­ing sni­pers but honest­ly I cant con­firm whe­re exact­ly in #Rabaa or how genu­in it is..looks off but could be real too / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Alja­ze­era is strea­ming live #rabaa audio and recy­cling the same foo­ta­ge ..pret­ty much #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Now alj­ze­era jumps the kil­led from 77 to 120 via the field hos­pi­tal #rabaa / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug “@Beltrew: Live ammo being shot from poli­ce, crou­ch­ing behind car” #Rabaa #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug “@tomfinn2: Get­ting arres­ted” #Rabaa AFP repor­ter is get­ting atres­ted 8:48 am #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug “@tomfinn2: With two pho­to­graph­ers, sol­diers have taken their came­ras and dele­ting all their pho­tos.” AFP repor­ter at #Rabaa arres­ted / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug @sarahussein @tomfinn2 @FarahSaafan cor­rec­ted my bad Tom is reu­ters’ not AFP repor­ter / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Foo­ta­ge from Nah­da in Giza show­ing seve­ral arrests by poli­ce of pro­tes­ters / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug MB pro-Mor­sy sup­port­ers in #alex­an­dria are also pro­teating in respon­se to the disper­sal of Nah­da and Rabaa sit ins #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug “@tomfinn2: They let us go.” Reu­ters repor­ter let go after been arres­ted in #Rabaa but all foo­ta­ge dele­ted / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug  @MariamKirollos @cairowire ? Explain the seems part plz / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Sound of gun­fi­re con­ti­nues whe­re i live near #rabaa / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Alja­ze­era jumps from 77 to 120 to now 450 kil­led in #Rabaa via the field hos­pi­tal / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Here goes the heli­c­op­ters again abo­ve #Rabaa area whe­re I live / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Disper­sing the sitin will only get the Isla­mists more united, more orga­ni­zed and more mobi­li­zed who knows what will hap­pen #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug More vio­lence and more repres­si­on is what’s expec­ted by today’s dispersal..if you think MB force will go down this easy, u r mista­ken / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14  Aug  What is hap­pe­ning in Mohand­ssi­en? / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Appar­ent­ly MB attemp­ting to start a sit in in Mohand­ssi­en in Mos­ta­fa Mah­moud sq and blo­cked some roads / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Teat gas rea­chee in front of stage in #Rabaa ..peo­p­le run­jing but most resis­ting and thro­winf back the tear gas via alja­ze­era / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug In respon­se to army & poli­ce attack of pro-Mor­sy sit-ins few churches and copts-owned shops have been bur­ned or atta­cked in upper #Egypt Many jour­na­lists are cordo­ned off, not allo­wed ent­ry to Rabaa even though they made if clear to secu­ri­ty forces they are repor­ters. / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug While all media is focu­sed on #Rabaa and #Nah­da sitins , chru­ches are being bur­nee and atta­cked in upper #Egypt ..No covera­ge!!! @Ontveg / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug I can here gun fire non­stop near #Rabaa whe­re I live ..I also smell smo­ke even though I am abt 15 min walk from the­re #NasrCi­ty / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Mean­while in Mohandssien,“civilians” some w/ beards are tearing down a poli­ce car& van­da­li­zing it bea­ting ano­ther civi­li­an drip­ping in blood  / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug I am home & I feel trap­ped insi­de it & I’m not even loo­king over #Rabaa only near it..helicopters, gunshots, smo­ke by sit­ting on the couch / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug 6 octo­ber bridge clo­sed! / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug They are too busy being MB mouth­pie­ce RT “@MalakBoghdady: 6 churches burnt down in 3 hours!! Broad­cast this if you dare @CNN #Egypt” / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Why the hell is NO one tal­king about churches being bur­ned in ANY media???!! A7a / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 23h News about enfor­cing a cur­few short­ly ..this is shit #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 20h Cur­few starts from 7 pm to 6am ..let’s see how many civi­li­ans will be tried in mili­ta­ry courts this time..down with mili­ta­ry rule !!! #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 20h I lite­ral­ly feel impri­so­ned and not the same fee­ling of fuck cur­few like all the first months under SCAF #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 20h Dic­ta­tor­ships get cemen­ted woith emer­gen­cy law and cur­fews starts for just a “month” then it lasts a life time #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 20h @sarahlphillips email me (twit­ter name at gmail) / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 20h If the sitins were not atta­cked, ima­gi­ne what would have hap­pen­ed then compa­re it with what is hap­pe­ning now .. #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 20h Bey­ond depres­sed with what is hap­pe­ning ..ever­y­thing is shit #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 19h The­re is a small pro­test in the street behind my house chan­ting “ya rab, we are mar­tyrs by the mil­li­ons” #NasrCi­ty side streets from  #Rabaa / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 19h  State­ment from #Egypt Revo­lu­tio­na­ry Socia­lists on the mas­sacre in Cai­ro, Down with mili­ta­ry rule! / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 15h — Heli­c­op­ters are still hove­ring around #Rabaa area even after it is cle­ared ..annoy­ing to keep hea­ring it #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 19h El Bara­die resigns #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 19h Mor­sy remo­ved by army #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 19h haha El Bara­die base who hate Ikhwan view him now as a coward,& the peo­p­le who saw him as a tool now respect him for resig­ning #Truesto­ry / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 19h My FB time­line is bet­ween cus­sing Bara­die and tho­se who are salu­ting him..i am indif­fe­rent, he should have known bet­ter going into SCAF gov / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h Pho­tos: #Rabaa sitin second mas­sacre / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h You know that fee­ling in your sto­mach that makes you feel like you can’t brea­the that’s all i am fee­ling right now / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h  any­thing strea­ming what is hap­pe­ning in #Rabaa now? ..have they cle­ared it all? / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h  And the cur­few starts.. #NoMil­Tri­als #NoS­CAF #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h The divi­si­ons are get­ting clea­rer and the grey area is dimi­nis­hing #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h Tho­se who are Ikwa­no­pho­bic, pro-army, secu­la­rists, “pro-revo­lu­ti­on” are the ones denoun­cing Baradie’s decis­i­on the har­dest #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h  Tho­se who are pro-revo­lu­ti­on, secu­la­rists, against SCAF’s mas­sacre, yet against MB are more wel­co­ming of Baradie’s choice #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h I hate to gene­ra­li­ze, but some­ti­mes it is nee­ded to explain com­plex situa­tions kno­wing that the­re are always excep­ti­ons #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h Cur­few has been post­po­ned to start at 9 pm ins­tead of 7 pm, ends at 6 am #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h Tam­rood go to fuck­in hell! coun­ter-revo­lu­ti­on at best / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 17h / Being a news repor­ter in Egypt means you are not a repor­ter rather giving us your pathe­tic opi­ni­on (on whi­che­ver side you are) #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 17h CBC reports that MB lea­ders Bel­ta­gy, Eri­an, and Hega­zy have been arres­ted by #Rabaa , anyo­ne con­firm­ed that? #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 17h  @RamyYaacoub natio­na­lism aka fascism / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h  — #Moi pres­ser is start­ing #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h — Until now MOI men­tio­ned NOTHING of burnt churches #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h — He just men­tio­ned 7 churches burnt but not that they fai­led to pro­tect them #Moi #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h — #Moi denies the alle­ga­ti­on of the escape and arrest of Bel­ta­gy, Hega­zy and Eri­an being very vague #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h — #MOI pres­ser was just cut on @ONtveg why? / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h — Why was the #MOI pres­ser cut on all chan­nels when it is not over yet ? #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h — #MOI no sit in will be tole­ra­ted in any sq in the enti­re coun­try and will be dealt with firm­ly in coor­di­na­ti­on with mili­ta­ry forces #Egypt /// — stop  :::  gigi ibra­him on twitter





echo : 2.05 — Ges­tern, am spä­ten Abend, wur­de ich wäh­rend mei­ner Arbeit von einem Eich­hörn­chen beob­ach­tet. Das klei­ne Tier kau­er­te im Kirsch­baum auf Höhe der Fens­ter mei­nes Arbeits­zim­mers gut sicht­bar im Licht einer Stra­ßen­lam­pe. Bei­na­he woll­te ich mei­nen, dass es sich mit Absicht zeig­te. Sei­ne Augen leuch­te­ten röt­lich, als wären sie Taschen­lam­pen. Ich trat vor­sich­tig ans Fens­ter und schon war das Tier ver­schwun­den. Es war also fast Mit­ter­nacht gewe­sen, ich ver­such­te zu die­sem Zeit­punkt ein Expe­ri­ment zu wie­der­ho­len, das ich vor 5 Jah­ren bereits erfolg­reich im Inter­net unter­nom­men hat­te. Krapp war mit mei­ner Hil­fe in Chat­räu­men zu Spra­che gekom­men. In einem 30-Sekun­den­rhyth­mus wie­der­hol­te er Sät­ze, die Samu­el Beckett für ihn notier­te. Eine hal­be Stun­de arbei­te­te ich mich damals vor­an, als in der künst­li­chen Welt auf Krapp reagiert wur­de. Das war ein fas­zi­nie­ren­der Vor­gang gewe­sen, ein Ereig­nis, das sich ges­tern lei­der nicht wie­der­hol­te. Extra­or­di­na­ry silence this evening. Wie ich es auch ver­such­te, Krapp wur­de nicht bemerkt oder wur­de unhöf­li­cher­wei­se igno­riert. Hier nun noch ein­mal das Doku­ment aus dem Jahr 2007: >

Versuchsanordnung >
20.05 – 20.07 Uhr MEZ
Krapp im Chat

[Log­in OK]
[Krapp joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
[82users in chan­nel Welcome!]

RickJ2!!: Bye bye.
Krapp: „Have just eaten I reg­ret to say three bana­nas and
only with dif­fi­cul­ty refrai­ned from a fourth.“
Gulli_S2: Hotmail?
[katsu left chan­nel Welcome!]
UrFix­a­ti­on: Omg, stop it with the bana­na story.
Krapp: „Fatal things for a man with my condition.“
2005Guy!!: Ur…is get­ting
Gulli_S2: Hotmail
[muff’ joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
Krapp: „Extra­or­di­na­ry silence this evening.“
UrFix­a­ti­on: lol
UrFix­a­ti­on: I am
RickJ2!!: Some old sto­ries krapp.
[muff’ left chan­nel Welcome!] is away from keyboard.
UrFix­a­ti­on: Flashbacks
UrFix­a­ti­on: lol
Gulli_S2: Fuck you!
Krapp: „I strain my ears and do not hear a sound.“
RickJ2!!: lol
[Gulli_S2 left chan­nel Welcome!]
2005Guy!!: I bet…not pretty
UrFix­a­ti­on grins evilly.
RickJ2!!: Watch out gulli
Krapp: „Just been lis­tening to an old year,
pas­sa­ges at random.“
[2HOT4YOU left chan­nel Welcome!]
Angus­Y­oung: I just found out i have lung
can­cer and it sucks!
RickJ2!!: aww
Krapp: „I did not check in the book, but it must
be at least ten or twel­ve years ago.“
UrFix­a­ti­on: Whe­re did that come from?
[Gui­tarAd­dic­ted left chan­nel Welcome!]
2005Guy!!: Woaw.
[Play­boyl­overs joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
Krapp: „Now the day is over.“
2005Guy!!: Zackly.
SlicK­girl: Should i sim­ply mute him?
[Muff joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
RickJ2!!: Same sto­ries krapp, right?
[Kalkan left chan­nel Welcome!]
[Space Mon­key left chan­nel Welcome!]
Muff greets all.
Krapp: „Night is dra­wing nigh-igh.“
[Por­to-boy joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
2005Guy!!: I thought i just had dezavu…
RickJ2!!: Get it??
Play­boyl­overs: hi dudes
Play­boyl­overs: lol
Krapp: „Shadows.“
2005Guy!!: Don’t know how to spell
[Angus­Y­oung left chan­nel Welcome!]
RickJ2!!: Hey baaby
[Bryan1997_4_you joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
[Desi­ree left chan­nel Welcome!]
Bryan1997_4_you: Hi all
Muff: Chess game anybody?
Bryan1997_4_you: Anyo­ne wan­na chat
RickJ2!!: Krapp do you know english?
[Andriy!!!! left chan­nel Welcome!]
[Lana-puma-hoty joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
19-m-Fran­cais: Kein Deutsch hier?
UrFix­a­ti­on: Nein
Muff: RickJ2 do you fan­cy me.
Krapp: „Past mid­night. Never knew such silence.
The earth might be uninhabited.“
The­bi­go­ne greets all.
[BlackScor­pi­on left chan­nel Welcome!]
[Joe­NY left chan­nel Welcome!]
Bryan1997_4_you: hi courtney
RickJ2!!: what u mean muff
[Coun­try-Boy joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
Muff: RickJ2 why do u igno­re me?
Por­to-boy greets all.
[Krapp left channel]





3.15 — Bei fei­ner Col­tra­ne­mu­sik Notiz­par­tic­les für Lowrysto­ry über­tra­gen. Sagen wir : Atlan­tik : Damp­fer : Kof­fer : Black­out : Ellis Island : Trom­pe­te : Mexi­ko : Höl­len­stein : Gin : Satel­lit : Vul­kan : Bel­le­vue : Wal­fisch­vo­gel : Mel­ville : Bat­tery Park : : lunar cau­st­ic. — Um nicht ein­zu­schla­fen, ver­brin­ge ich die­se Nacht auf einem sehr har­ten, höl­zer­nen Gar­ten­stuhl. 70 Meter tief unter der Was­ser­ober­flä­che, 2000 m hoch über dem Mee­res­bo­den. | stop | Licht­blit­ze einer Medu­se. | stop | Schla­fen­de Wale. | stop | Senk­recht schwe­ben­de Tür­me. | stop | Ein Gra­nat­barsch, der sich um mein lin­kes Ohr bemüht. | stop | Salz im Mund. | stop | Suche nach neu­en Pseud­ony­men. — Elf Uhr fünf­und­zwan­zig in Lha­sa, Tibet. — stop





Ver­suchs­an­ord­nung > 20.05 – 20.07 Uhr MEZ : Krapp im Chat

[Log­in OK]
[Krapp joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
[82users in chan­nel Welcome!]

RickJ2!!: Bye bye.
Krapp: „Have just eaten I reg­ret to say three bana­nas and only with dif­fi­cul­ty refrai­ned from a fourth.“
Gulli_S2: Hotmail?
[katsu left chan­nel Welcome!]
UrFix­a­ti­on: Omg, stop it with the bana­na story.
Krapp: „Fatal things for a man with my condition.“
2005Guy!!: Ur…is get­ting
Gulli_S2: Hotmail
[muff’ joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
Krapp: „Extra­or­di­na­ry silence this evening.“
UrFix­a­ti­on: lol
UrFix­a­ti­on: I am
RickJ2!!: Some old sto­ries krapp.
[muff’ left chan­nel Welcome!] is away from keyboard.
UrFix­a­ti­on: Flashbacks
UrFix­a­ti­on: lol
Gulli_S2: Fuck you!
Krapp: „I strain my ears and do not hear a sound.“
RickJ2!!: lol
[Gulli_S2 left chan­nel Welcome!]
2005Guy!!: I bet…not pretty
UrFix­a­ti­on grins evilly.
RickJ2!!: Watch out gulli
Krapp: „Just been lis­tening to an old year, pas­sa­ges at random.“
[2HOT4YOU left chan­nel Welcome!]
Angus­Y­oung: I just found out i have lung can­cer and it sucks!
RickJ2!!: aww
Krapp: „I did not check in the book, but it must be at least ten or twel­ve years ago.“
UrFix­a­ti­on: Whe­re did that come from?
[Gui­tarAd­dic­ted left chan­nel Welcome!]
2005Guy!!: Woaw.
[Play­boyl­overs joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
Krapp: „Now the day is over.“
2005Guy!!: Zackly.
SlicK­girl: Should i sim­ply mute him?
[Muff joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
RickJ2!!: Same sto­ries krapp, right?
[Kalkan left chan­nel Welcome!]
[Space Mon­key left chan­nel Welcome!]
Muff greets all.
Krapp: „Night is dra­wing nigh-igh.“
[Por­to-boy joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
2005Guy!!: I thought i just had dezavu…
RickJ2!!: Get it??
Play­boyl­overs: hi dudes
Play­boyl­overs: lol
Krapp: „Shadows.“
2005Guy!!: Don’t know how to spell
[Angus­Y­oung left chan­nel Welcome!]
RickJ2!!: Hey baaby
[Bryan1997_4_you joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
[Desi­ree left chan­nel Welcome!]
Bryan1997_4_you: Hi all
Muff: Chess game anybody?
Lil­li: Wait an minute
Bryan1997_4_you: Anyo­ne wan­na chat
RickJ2!!: Krapp do you know english?
[Andriy!!!! left chan­nel Welcome!]
[Lana-puma-hoty joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
19-m-Fran­cais: Kein Deutsch hier?
UrFix­a­ti­on: Nein
Muff: RickJ2 do you fan­cy me.
Krapp: „Past mid­night. Never knew such silence. The earth might be uninhabited.“
The­bi­go­ne greets all.
[BlackScor­pi­on left chan­nel Welcome!]
[Joe­NY left chan­nel Welcome!]
Bryan1997_4_you: hi courtney
RickJ2!!: what u mean muff
[Coun­try-Boy joi­n­ed chan­nel Welcome!]
Muff: RickJ2 why do u igno­re me?
Por­to-boy greets all.
Lil­li greets all.
[Krapp left channel]


