Aus der Wörtersammlung: tonight




echo : 22.08 UTC — Zu stän­di­gen Erin­ne­rung > Meryl Streep’s Gol­den Glo­be Speach, 8. Janu­ar 2017 : Plea­se sit down. Thank you. I love you all. You’ll have to for­gi­ve me. I’ve lost my voice in screa­ming and lamen­ta­ti­on this weekend. And I have lost my mind some­time ear­lier this year, so I have to read. Thank you, Hol­ly­wood For­eign Press. Just to pick up on what Hugh Lau­rie said: You and all of us in this room real­ly belong to the most vili­fied seg­ments in Ame­ri­can socie­ty right now. Think about it: Hol­ly­wood, for­eig­ners, and the press. / But who are we, and what is Hol­ly­wood any­way? It’s just a bunch of peo­p­le from other places. I was born and rai­sed and edu­ca­ted in the public schools of New Jer­sey. Vio­la was born in a sharecropper’s cabin in South Caro­li­na, came up in Cen­tral Falls, Rho­de Island; Sarah Paul­son was born in Flo­ri­da, rai­sed by a sin­gle mom in Brook­lyn. Sarah Jes­si­ca Par­ker was one of seven or eight kids in Ohio. Amy Adams was born in Vicen­za, Ita­ly. And Nata­lie Port­man was born in Jeru­sa­lem. Whe­re are their birth cer­ti­fi­ca­tes? And the beau­tiful Ruth Neg­ga was born in Addis Ababa, Ethio­pia, rai­sed in Lon­don — no, in Ire­land I do belie­ve, and she’s here nomi­na­ted for play­ing a girl in small-town Vir­gi­nia. Ryan Gosling, like all of the nicest peo­p­le, is Cana­di­an, and Dev Patel was born in Kenya, rai­sed in Lon­don, and is here play­ing an Indi­an rai­sed in Tas­ma­nia. So Hol­ly­wood is craw­ling with out­si­ders and for­eig­ners. And if we kick them all out you’ll have not­hing to watch but foot­ball and mixed mar­ti­al arts, which are not the arts. / They gave me three seconds to say this, so: An actor’s only job is to enter the lives of peo­p­le who are dif­fe­rent from us, and let you feel what that feels like. And the­re were many, many, many powerful per­for­man­ces this year that did exact­ly that. Breath­ta­king, com­pas­sio­na­te work. But the­re was one per­for­mance this year that stun­ned me. It sank its hooks in my heart. Not becau­se it was good; the­re was not­hing good about it. But it was effec­ti­ve and it did its job. It made its inten­ded audi­ence laugh, and show their tee­th. It was that moment when the per­son asking to sit in the most respec­ted seat in our coun­try imi­ta­ted a dis­ab­led repor­ter. Someone he outran­ked in pri­vi­le­ge, power and the capa­ci­ty to fight back. It kind of bro­ke my heart when I saw it, and I still can’t get it out of my head, becau­se it wasn’t in a movie. It was real life. And this instinct to humi­lia­te, when it’s mode­led by someone in the public plat­form, by someone powerful, it fil­ters down into everybody’s life, becau­se it kin­da gives per­mis­si­on for other peo­p­le to do the same thing. Dis­re­spect invi­tes dis­re­spect, vio­lence inci­tes vio­lence. And when the powerful use their posi­ti­on to bul­ly others we all lose. O.K., go on with it. O.K., this brings me to the press. We need the prin­ci­pled press to hold power to account, to call him on the car­pet for every outra­ge. That’s why our foun­ders enshri­ned the press and its free­doms in the Con­sti­tu­ti­on. So I only ask the famously well-hee­led Hol­ly­wood For­eign Press and all of us in our com­mu­ni­ty to join me in sup­port­ing the Com­mit­tee to Pro­tect Jour­na­lists, becau­se we’re gon­na need them going for­ward, and they’ll need us to safe­guard the truth. One more thing: Once, when I was stan­ding around on the set one day, whi­ning about some­thing — you know we were gon­na work through sup­per or the long hours or wha­te­ver, Tom­my Lee Jones said to me, “Isn’t it such a pri­vi­le­ge, Meryl, just to be an actor?” Yeah, it is, and we have to remind each other of the pri­vi­le­ge and the respon­si­bi­li­ty of the act of empa­thy. We should all be proud of the work Hol­ly­wood honors here tonight. / As my fri­end, the dear depar­ted Prin­cess Leia, said to me once, take your bro­ken heart, make it into art. — stop / fund­ort



tod in peking 3


oli­mam­bo : 3.12 — Wie­der nach Spu­ren des Foto­gra­fen Ted­dy S. in digi­ta­len Räu­men gesucht, sie­ben Mona­te sind ver­gan­gen seit er in Peking starb. Es ist merk­wür­dig. Ich kann mit­tels der Such­ma­schi­nen, die mir zur Ver­fü­gung ste­hen, kei­ne Nach­richt fin­den, die davon erzählt, dass er nicht mehr am Leben ist. Weder eine Todes­an­zei­ge, noch eine Fra­ge nach sei­nem Ver­bleib ist zu ent­de­cken, aber nach wie vor Hin­wei­se auf sei­ne Arbeit, Foto­gra­fien, Noti­zen, Meta­da­ten zu Licht­fang­ma­schi­nen. Die letz­te schrift­li­che Nach­richt Ted­dys wur­de an einem Flug­ha­fen auf­ge­ge­ben. Es ist der 10. Okto­ber 2012: Pack­ing my bags for ano­ther trip to Chi­na. Tonight I’ll fly to Shang­hai and a litt­le later to Bei­jing for a lon­ger stay. Extre­me­ly hap­py to be back so fast after my last stay in August. — Wenn nun ein Mensch nach ihm such­te, weil er sich nach lan­ger Zeit an Ted­dy erin­ner­te, wenn er ihn nicht per­sön­lich antref­fen könn­te, an Tele­fo­nen nicht und hin­ter Email-Adres­sen, weil sei­ne vor­dem treu­en Ser­ver­ma­schi­nen Ted­dy nicht län­ger ken­nen, wür­de das Ende sei­nes Lebens viel­leicht denk­bar wer­den. Nichts mehr kommt hin­zu, weder Foto­gra­fien, noch Wör­ter. — 27. Juni : A mes­sa­ge that you sent could not be deli­ver­ed to one or more of its reci­pi­ents. This is a per­ma­nent error. The fol­lo­wing address(es) fai­led: SMTP error from remo­te mail ser­ver after RCPT TO:: host []: 550 Reques­ted action not taken: mail­box unavailable. This is a copy of the mes­sa­ge, inclu­ding all the hea­ders. Return-path: Recei­ved: from fwd55.aul.x (fwd55.aul.x ) by mai­lout x with smtp id 1UsMG3-00075X-W9; Fri, 28 Jun 2013 02:09:48 +0200 Recei­ved: from local­host (Z w u h M r Z f Y h P e h n f I Z 0 n a e u s T F — d y f y 2 k j p g p s 3 4 m W f n T j B r a Y B Y k g O l M E e t S t u E g P p @ [ 1 7 2 . 2 0 . 1 0 1 . 1 2 4 ] ) by with esmtp id 1UsMG3-3aLg­s­C0; Fri, 28 Jun 2013 02:09:47 +0200 MIME-Ver­si­on: 1.0 Recei­ved: from by cmpweb56.aul.t‑ with HTTP/1.1 (NGCS V4‑0–19‑4 on API V3-11–28‑0) Date: 23 Jun 2013 02:09:47 +0200 — Rep­ly-To: To: X‑Priority: 3 X‑UMS: email X‑Mailer: DTAG NGCS V4‑0–19‑4 Sub­ject: fra­ge — Con­tent-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=“=_0 f a 1 e 2 5 5 2 f 2 0 f 4 b e 2 7 4 6 f 4 5 c 4 7 f 7 b 2 0 0” Mes­sa­ge-ID: <1UsMG3-3aLgsC0@fwd55.aul.x> X‑ID: Z w u h M r Z f Y h P e h n f I Z 0 n a e u s T F — d y f y 2 k j p g p s 3 4 m W f n T j B r aY B Y k g O l M E e t S t u E g P X‑TOI-MSGID: a e 6 4 0 9 f b — 1 8 7 0 — 4 5 a 9 — b 0 8 b — 9 2 2 8 6 6 a 4 d b a 9 –=_0 f a 1 e 2 5 5 2 f 2 0 f 4 b e 2 7 4 6 f 4 5 c 4 7 f 7 b 2 0 0 Con­tent-Type: text/plain; charset=“UTF‑8” Con­tent-Trans­fer-Enco­ding: 7bit — WO BIST DU? –=_0 f a 1 e 2 5 5 2 f 2 0 f 4 b e 2 7 4 6 f 4 5 c 4 7 f 7 b 2 0 0 Con­tent-Type: text/html; charset=“UTF‑8” Con­tent-Trans­fer-Enco­ding: quo­ted-prin­ta­ble — stop



von der hölle / von der hoffnung


marim­ba : 0.55 — Sie sin­gen wie­der! Viel­leicht haben Sie nie auf­ge­hört. Tehe­ran bei Nacht. Auch Per­sian­ki­wi und Fereshteh Gha­zi, die für lan­ge Zeit ver­stumm­ten, sen­den auf Posi­ti­on Twit­ter. Der Ein­druck, ein Film, der im Som­mer 2009 ange­hal­ten wur­de mit extre­men Mit­teln staat­li­cher Gewalt, set­ze sich lang­sam erneut in Bewe­gung. stop. Das Schwei­gen. stop. Die Stil­le. stop. 18 Mona­te. stop. stop. / 26. juni 2009 : F. erzählt von Näch­ten, die er vor 30 Jah­ren in den Stra­ßen und auf den Dächern über der Stadt Isfa­han ver­brach­te. Das Rufen tau­sen­der Stim­men: Allah-o-Akbar. Wir haben das erfun­den, um den Schah zu ver­trei­ben, auch älte­re Men­schen konn­ten sich in die­ser Wei­se bemerk­bar machen. Wir kämpf­ten für Demo­kra­tie, hör­ten BBC, um her­aus­zu­fin­den, ob irgend­je­mand wahr­nimmt, was mit uns geschieht. Kannst Du ver­ste­hen, wie ich mich jetzt füh­le? – Furcht­bar wur­den sie betro­gen, eine Gene­ra­ti­on im Exil. – Kurz nach Mit­ter­nacht. Fereshteh Gha­zi, jun­ge Jour­na­lis­tin, notiert: Tonight, like past nights, the chants of “Allah-o-Akbar” were heard on roof tops of Tehr­an & other cities. Seit Tagen schreibt sie sich die Fin­ger wund. Per­sian­ki­wi aber, des­sen Zei­chen ich vie­le Stun­den lang auf dem Bild­schirm erwar­te­te, ist ver­stummt. Vor­ges­tern noch Zei­len auf Twit­ter fol­gen­de: > just in from Baha­re­stan Sq – situa­ti­on today is ter­ri­ble – they beat the ppls like ani­mals 3:34 PM Jun 24th I see many ppl with bro­ken arms/legs/heads – blood ever­y­whe­re – pep­per gas like war 3:35 PM Jun 24th 
they were wai­ting for us – they all have guns and riot uni­forms – it was like a mou­se trap – ppl being shot like ani­mals 3:53 PM Jun 24th saw 7/8 militia bea­ting one woman with baton on ground – she had no defen­se not­hing – sure that she is dead 3:55 PM Jun 24th so many ppl arres­ted – young & old – they take ppl away – we lose our group 3:59 PM Jun 24th ppl run into alleys and militia stan­ding the­re wai­ting – from 2 sides they attack ppl in midd­le of alleys 4:01 PM Jun 24th all shops was clo­sed – nowhe­re to go – they fol­low ppls with heli­c­op­ters – smo­ke and fire is ever­y­whe­re 4:03 PM Jun 24th pho­ne line was cut and we lost inter­net – get­ting more dif­fi­cult to log into net 5:05 PM Jun rumour they are track­ing high use of pho­ne lines to find inter­net users – must move from here now 5:09 PM Jun 24th reports of street fight­ing in Vanak Sq, Tajrish sq, Azadi Sq – now – Sea of Green – Allah Akbar 5:14 PM Jun 24th in Baha­re­stan we saw militia with axe cho­ping ppl like meat – blood ever­y­whe­re – like but­cher – Allah Akbar – 5:16 PM Jun 24th they catch ppl with mobi­le – so many kil­led today – so many inju­red – Allah Akbar – they take one of us – 5:18 PM Jun 24th Lale­zar Sq is same as Baha­re­stan – unbe­le­va­ble – ppls mur­de­red ever­y­whe­re – 5:19 PM Jun 24th they pull away the dead into trucks – like fac­to­ry – no human can do this – we beg Allah for save us – 5:23 PM Jun 24th Ever­y­bo­dy is under arrest & cant move – Mou­sa­vi – Kar­rou­bi even rumour Khat­a­mi is in house guard – 5:28 PM Jun 24th we must go – dont know when we can get inter­net – they take 1 of us, they will tor­tu­re and get names – now we must move fast – 5:34 PM Jun 24th thank you ppls 4 sup­port­ing Sea of Green – pls remem­ber always our mar­tyrs – Allah Akbar – Allah Akbar – Allah Akbar 5:36 PM Jun 24th Allah – you are the crea­tor of all and all must return to you – Allah Akbar 5:39 PM Jun 24th




oli­mam­bo : 1.28 — Das Wort Papier in mei­nem Kopf, ein von jeher hel­les, wei­ßes Wort, wes­halb die Erfin­dung leben­der Papie­re, ihre Erfor­schung, ihre Beob­ach­tung in lich­te Räu­me führt. Ich könn­te dem­zu­fol­ge sagen, dass mein loten­des Fabu­lie­ren wie eine Bogen­lam­pe in mein Leben wirkt. – 1 Uhr 28 mit­tel­eu­ro­päi­scher Win­ter­zeit : Auf dem Kapi­tol zu Washing­ton, im Haus der Reprä­sen­tan­ten, erklärt die demo­kra­ti­sche Abge­ord­ne­te Debbie Was­ser­man Schultz / Flo­ri­da wäh­rend der Debat­te zur ent­schei­den­den Abstim­mung über Barak Obama’s Gesund­heits­re­form mit fes­ter Stim­me: The night­ma­re ends tonight!


von der hölle von der hoffnung


tan­go : 1.17 — Ein Freund erzählt von Näch­ten, die er vor 30 Jah­ren in den gefähr­lich gewor­de­nen Stra­ßen und auf den Dächern über der Stadt Isfa­han ver­brach­te. Das Rufen tau­sen­der Stim­men: Allah-o-Akbar. Wir haben das erfun­den, um den Schah zu ver­trei­ben, auch älte­re Men­schen konn­ten sich in die­ser Wei­se bemerk­bar machen. Wir kämpf­ten für Demo­kra­tie, hör­ten BBC, um her­aus­zu­fin­den, ob irgend­je­mand wahr­nimmt, was mit uns geschieht. Kannst Du ver­ste­hen, wie ich mich jetzt füh­le? — Furcht­bar wur­den sie betro­gen, eine Gene­ra­ti­on im Exil. – Kurz nach Mit­ter­nacht. Fereshteh Gha­zi, jun­ge Jour­na­lis­tin, notiert: Tonight, like past nights, the chants of “Allah-o-Akbar” were heard on roof tops of Tehr­an & other cities. Seit Tagen schreibt sie sich die Fin­ger wund. Per­sian­ki­wi aber, des­sen Zei­chen ich vie­le Stun­den lang auf dem Bild­schirm erwar­te­te, ist ver­stummt. Vor­ges­tern noch Zei­len auf Twit­ter fol­gen­de: > just in from Baha­re­stan Sq — situa­ti­on today is ter­ri­ble — they beat the ppls like ani­mals 3:34 PM Jun 24th I see many ppl with bro­ken arms/legs/heads — blood ever­y­whe­re — pep­per gas like war 3:35 PM Jun 24th 
they were wai­ting for us — they all have guns and riot uni­forms — it was like a mou­se trap — ppl being shot like ani­mals 3:53 PM Jun 24th saw 7/8 militia bea­ting one woman with baton on ground — she had no defen­se not­hing — sure that she is dead 3:55 PM Jun 24th so many ppl arres­ted — young & old — they take ppl away — we lose our group 3:59 PM Jun 24th ppl run into alleys and militia stan­ding the­re wai­ting — from 2 sides they attack ppl in midd­le of alleys 4:01 PM Jun 24th all shops was clo­sed — nowhe­re to go — they fol­low ppls with heli­c­op­ters — smo­ke and fire is ever­y­whe­re 4:03 PM Jun 24th pho­ne line was cut and we lost inter­net — get­ting more dif­fi­cult to log into net 5:05 PM Jun rumour they are track­ing high use of pho­ne lines to find inter­net users — must move from here now 5:09 PM Jun 24th reports of street fight­ing in Vanak Sq, Tajrish sq, Azadi Sq — now — Sea of Green — Allah Akbar 5:14 PM Jun 24th in Baha­re­stan we saw militia with axe cho­ping ppl like meat — blood ever­y­whe­re — like but­cher — Allah Akbar — 5:16 PM Jun 24th they catch ppl with mobi­le — so many kil­led today — so many inju­red — Allah Akbar — they take one of us — 5:18 PM Jun 24th Lale­zar Sq is same as Baha­re­stan — unbe­le­va­ble — ppls mur­de­red ever­y­whe­re — 5:19 PM Jun 24th they pull away the dead into trucks — like fac­to­ry — no human can do this — we beg Allah for save us — 5:23 PM Jun 24th Ever­y­bo­dy is under arrest & cant move — Mou­sa­vi — Kar­rou­bi even rumour Khat­a­mi is in house guard — 5:28 PM Jun 24th we must go — dont know when we can get inter­net — they take 1 of us, they will tor­tu­re and get names — now we must move fast — 5:34 PM Jun 24th thank you ppls 4 sup­port­ing Sea of Green — pls remem­ber always our mar­tyrs — Allah Akbar — Allah Akbar — Allah Akbar 5:36 PM Jun 24th Allah — you are the crea­tor of all and all must return to you — Allah Akbar 5:39 PM Jun 24th — stop




india : 22.10 — Selt­sa­me Spur, die Twit­ter auf mei­nem Com­pu­ter schreibt. Mel­dun­gen, Sekun­den nur oder Minu­ten von­ein­an­der ent­fernt: > mw — bos­ton : Just saw a mou­se in the apart­ment! EEEEK!!!!!! Im get­ting a barn owl./ ky — tehe­ran : uncon­firm­ed — 150 peo­p­le kil­led last week/ mv — absu­di­stan : Ich glau­be, mein Blick sagt gera­de Vorm-Schlafengehen-möchte-ich-Blut-fließen-sehen./ sb — zürich : ich wer­de von men­schen regiert, mit denen ich nicht mal reden würde./ ft — tehe­ran : Crack­down on Jour­na­lists: Jour­na­lists are repor­ted­ly arres­ted in Bous­h­ehr, Mas­had and Rasht/ mb — ber­lin : könnt ihr mal ähm feed­back geben, ob der feed­rea­der wie­der funk­tio­niert für mein blog?/ ft — tehe­ran : Allah Akbar and Death to Dic­ta­tor cry out over Iran tonight, as in other nights/ ts — mün­chen : “Was sol­len das für Spra­chen sein, die sich von Ihnen beherr­schen las­sen” Kurt Tucholsky/ cb — geor­gia : today is a good day to die say the cheyene/ pk — ham­burg : ich habe einen Wake­Up-Tweet in die Köp­fe mei­ner schla­fen­den Time­line gesendet/ sl — nord­see : More vide­os coming in from Tehr­an. A man down and a bus in flames./ ft — tehe­ran : for­eign embas­sies in Tehr­an ope­ned their doors to the woun­ded & Injured/ cnn — ever­y­whe­re : moussa­vi to pro­tes­ters: ‘The coun­try belongs to you. The revo­lu­ti­on and the sys­tem is your heritage.’/ kiwi — tehe­ran : We have a few moments to tweet with you — our fri­ends — from a DSL connection.
