Aus der Wörtersammlung: india


unter salzbäumen


tan­go : 2.02 — Im Traum sit­ze ich mit einem alten Mann an einem Tisch. Gro­ße Hit­ze auch im Schat­ten, den Salz­bäu­me spen­den. Wir trin­ken Kaf­fee und Was­ser, das süß ist wie Honig. Der alte Mann trägt kaki­far­be­ne Shorts, sei­ne Haut ist dun­kel, gebrannt wie Kaf­fee, hell­grü­ne Augen. Eine Erschei­nung, zahn­los, die nicht spricht, Haut und Kno­chen, aber ein Wesen von enor­mer Aus­dau­er. Ich höre, der alte Mann soll seit Jah­ren bereits vor die­sem Tisch sit­zen, ohne je auf­ge­stan­den zu sein. Papie­re lie­gen auf dem Tisch und auf dem Boden. Sie sind beschrif­tet, kaum leser­li­che Zei­chen. Vor dem Mann ruht ein klei­nes, schwer atmen­des Note­book. Ein­mal blickt er auf den Bild­schirm sei­ner Maschi­ne, dann wie­der auf ein Blatt Papier, das vor ihm liegt, und schreibt. Amei­sen von Metall irren im Sand her­um. Es gibt kei­nen Ton im Traum, wenn ich spre­che, ver­neh­me ich weder Gedan­ken noch Stim­me. – stop




nord­pol : 23.56 — Kai­ro. Mitt­woch. Schlaf­los im abge­dun­kel­ten Zim­mer. Süd­li­ches Mit­tag­stun­den­licht. Drei Moni­to­re auf dem Sofa, ein Fern­seh­bild­schirm, ein Tele­fon. Beob­ach­te den Tag über aus gro­ßer Ent­fer­nung Spu­ren eines mensch­li­chen Infer­nos. Kom­men­ta­to­ren in eng­li­scher und ara­bi­scher Spra­che. Das Geräusch der Schüs­se hell. Loops, die immer wie­der die sel­ben grau­en­vol­len Bil­der zei­gen. Gigi Ibra­him, ägyp­ti­sche Akti­vis­tin, twit­tert vom frü­hen Mor­gen an in eng­li­scher Spra­che, 2 Tweets in ara­bi­scher Spra­che sind an die­ser Stel­le nicht wie­der­ge­ge­ben: 

Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug — I guess we have rea­ched the zero hour #rabaa army and poli­ce moving in to disper­se both pro-Mor­sy sit in ..this won’t be pret­ty #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug I can hear from home which is near #rabaa the gunshots being fired other than that the­re is no chan­nels cove­ring this #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Meh­war chan­nel is actual­ly airing some live foo­ta­ge by Nah­da and Rabaa / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Meh­war Tv show­ing full bodi­ed armored riot poli­ce with tear gas shot­guns get­ting rea­dy #Rabaa #Nah­da ONT­V­li­ve is airing some foo­ta­ge too / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Huge amounts of trucks army, poli­ce, and spe­cial forces floo­ding #Nah­da sitin with tear gas live on ONTVLIVE / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug A war­ning speech is being announ­ced via loud spea­k­ers with army trucks direc­ting pro­tes­ters to not resist pro­vi­ding them a safe exit #nah­da / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Big black smo­ke coming out of the sit in pro­tes­ters might have lit some tires to deter the tear gas smo­ke #nah­da / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug / If I am not mista­ken, the­se loud sharp round shots are sound shots now live in #nah­da via OnT­v­li­ve / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug This is the first time I see tho­se loud spea­k­ers for war­ning befo­re disper­sing a sit in #Rabaa / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 /14 Aug Heli­c­op­ter fly­ing over near #rabaa now I can  hear it from home ..I also can hear gun shots #NasrCi­ty / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Trucks are going into #rabaa to level all the bar­riers MB have put up huge amounts of tear gas bring fired, smo­ke ever­y­whe­re via Meh­war / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug This is Abaas el Akad st #NasrCi­ty / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Al Nahar is brin­ging clo­se up foo­ta­ge #Nah­da sitin being leve­led by trucks while gunshots are being fired in the back­ground / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug MB in #Rabaa are report­ing over 8 kil­led with live bul­lets this is uncon­firm­ed but belie­va­ble / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Non stop heli­c­op­ters fly­ing over #rabaa area / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug I have never seen the army or poli­ce disper­sing a sit-in this way, usual­ly it is shoot, kill, or/& detain still I am against the disper­se / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Meh­war TV is say­ing that Mobil gas sta­ti­on (loca­ted at Yous­sef Abbas and Nasr st) at #Rabaa sit in has explo­ded! / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug  MB pro-Mor­sy sup­port­ers are pro­test­ing at Aswan  gover­ne­ra­te buil­ding in respon­se to the attacks in #nah­da and #rabaa / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Accor­ding to aljz foo­ta­ge, army and riot poli­ce have yet to reach the cen­ter of the sitin in #Rabaa still full of peo­p­le rus­hing inju­red / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug #Rabaa stage has shiekhs in gas masks pary­ing sur­re­al loo­king / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug #rabaa field hos­pi­tal show­ing most­ly the flo­or and came­ra moving around then a few injured/dead via alja­ze­era / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Health minis­try reports no deaths yet, sta­te TV reports 2 poli­ce offi­cers kil­led, alj­ze­era now says 77 MB kil­led #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Foo­ta­ge on alj­ze­era show­ing sni­pers but honest­ly I cant con­firm whe­re exact­ly in #Rabaa or how genu­in it is..looks off but could be real too / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Alja­ze­era is strea­ming live #rabaa audio and recy­cling the same foo­ta­ge ..pret­ty much #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Now alj­ze­era jumps the kil­led from 77 to 120 via the field hos­pi­tal #rabaa / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug “@Beltrew: Live ammo being shot from poli­ce, crou­ch­ing behind car” #Rabaa #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug “@tomfinn2: Get­ting arres­ted” #Rabaa AFP repor­ter is get­ting atres­ted 8:48 am #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug “@tomfinn2: With two pho­to­graph­ers, sol­diers have taken their came­ras and dele­ting all their pho­tos.” AFP repor­ter at #Rabaa arres­ted / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug @sarahussein @tomfinn2 @FarahSaafan cor­rec­ted my bad Tom is reu­ters’ not AFP repor­ter / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Foo­ta­ge from Nah­da in Giza show­ing seve­ral arrests by poli­ce of pro­tes­ters / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug MB pro-Mor­sy sup­port­ers in #alex­an­dria are also pro­teating in respon­se to the disper­sal of Nah­da and Rabaa sit ins #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug “@tomfinn2: They let us go.” Reu­ters repor­ter let go after been arres­ted in #Rabaa but all foo­ta­ge dele­ted / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug  @MariamKirollos @cairowire ? Explain the seems part plz / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Sound of gun­fi­re con­ti­nues whe­re i live near #rabaa / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Alja­ze­era jumps from 77 to 120 to now 450 kil­led in #Rabaa via the field hos­pi­tal / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Here goes the heli­c­op­ters again abo­ve #Rabaa area whe­re I live / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Disper­sing the sitin will only get the Isla­mists more united, more orga­ni­zed and more mobi­li­zed who knows what will hap­pen #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug More vio­lence and more repres­si­on is what’s expec­ted by today’s dispersal..if you think MB force will go down this easy, u r mista­ken / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14  Aug  What is hap­pe­ning in Mohand­ssi­en? / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Appar­ent­ly MB attemp­ting to start a sit in in Mohand­ssi­en in Mos­ta­fa Mah­moud sq and blo­cked some roads / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Teat gas rea­chee in front of stage in #Rabaa ..peo­p­le run­jing but most resis­ting and thro­winf back the tear gas via alja­ze­era / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug In respon­se to army & poli­ce attack of pro-Mor­sy sit-ins few churches and copts-owned shops have been bur­ned or atta­cked in upper #Egypt Many jour­na­lists are cordo­ned off, not allo­wed ent­ry to Rabaa even though they made if clear to secu­ri­ty forces they are repor­ters. / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug While all media is focu­sed on #Rabaa and #Nah­da sitins , chru­ches are being bur­nee and atta­cked in upper #Egypt ..No covera­ge!!! @Ontveg / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug I can here gun fire non­stop near #Rabaa whe­re I live ..I also smell smo­ke even though I am abt 15 min walk from the­re #NasrCi­ty / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Mean­while in Mohandssien,“civilians” some w/ beards are tearing down a poli­ce car& van­da­li­zing it bea­ting ano­ther civi­li­an drip­ping in blood  / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug I am home & I feel trap­ped insi­de it & I’m not even loo­king over #Rabaa only near it..helicopters, gunshots, smo­ke by sit­ting on the couch / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug 6 octo­ber bridge clo­sed! / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug They are too busy being MB mouth­pie­ce RT “@MalakBoghdady: 6 churches burnt down in 3 hours!! Broad­cast this if you dare @CNN #Egypt” / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 14 Aug Why the hell is NO one tal­king about churches being bur­ned in ANY media???!! A7a / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 23h News about enfor­cing a cur­few short­ly ..this is shit #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 20h Cur­few starts from 7 pm to 6am ..let’s see how many civi­li­ans will be tried in mili­ta­ry courts this time..down with mili­ta­ry rule !!! #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 20h I lite­ral­ly feel impri­so­ned and not the same fee­ling of fuck cur­few like all the first months under SCAF #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 20h Dic­ta­tor­ships get cemen­ted woith emer­gen­cy law and cur­fews starts for just a “month” then it lasts a life time #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 20h @sarahlphillips email me (twit­ter name at gmail) / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 20h If the sitins were not atta­cked, ima­gi­ne what would have hap­pen­ed then compa­re it with what is hap­pe­ning now .. #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 20h Bey­ond depres­sed with what is hap­pe­ning ..ever­y­thing is shit #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 19h The­re is a small pro­test in the street behind my house chan­ting “ya rab, we are mar­tyrs by the mil­li­ons” #NasrCi­ty side streets from  #Rabaa / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 19h  State­ment from #Egypt Revo­lu­tio­na­ry Socia­lists on the mas­sacre in Cai­ro, Down with mili­ta­ry rule! / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 15h — Heli­c­op­ters are still hove­ring around #Rabaa area even after it is cle­ared ..annoy­ing to keep hea­ring it #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 19h El Bara­die resigns #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 19h Mor­sy remo­ved by army #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 19h haha El Bara­die base who hate Ikhwan view him now as a coward,& the peo­p­le who saw him as a tool now respect him for resig­ning #Truesto­ry / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 19h My FB time­line is bet­ween cus­sing Bara­die and tho­se who are salu­ting him..i am indif­fe­rent, he should have known bet­ter going into SCAF gov / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h Pho­tos: #Rabaa sitin second mas­sacre / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h You know that fee­ling in your sto­mach that makes you feel like you can’t brea­the that’s all i am fee­ling right now / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h  any­thing strea­ming what is hap­pe­ning in #Rabaa now? ..have they cle­ared it all? / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h  And the cur­few starts.. #NoMil­Tri­als #NoS­CAF #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h The divi­si­ons are get­ting clea­rer and the grey area is dimi­nis­hing #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h Tho­se who are Ikwa­no­pho­bic, pro-army, secu­la­rists, “pro-revo­lu­ti­on” are the ones denoun­cing Baradie’s decis­i­on the har­dest #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h  Tho­se who are pro-revo­lu­ti­on, secu­la­rists, against SCAF’s mas­sacre, yet against MB are more wel­co­ming of Baradie’s choice #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h I hate to gene­ra­li­ze, but some­ti­mes it is nee­ded to explain com­plex situa­tions kno­wing that the­re are always excep­ti­ons #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h Cur­few has been post­po­ned to start at 9 pm ins­tead of 7 pm, ends at 6 am #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 18h Tam­rood go to fuck­in hell! coun­ter-revo­lu­ti­on at best / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 17h / Being a news repor­ter in Egypt means you are not a repor­ter rather giving us your pathe­tic opi­ni­on (on whi­che­ver side you are) #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 17h CBC reports that MB lea­ders Bel­ta­gy, Eri­an, and Hega­zy have been arres­ted by #Rabaa , anyo­ne con­firm­ed that? #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 17h  @RamyYaacoub natio­na­lism aka fascism / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h  — #Moi pres­ser is start­ing #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h — Until now MOI men­tio­ned NOTHING of burnt churches #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h — He just men­tio­ned 7 churches burnt but not that they fai­led to pro­tect them #Moi #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h — #Moi denies the alle­ga­ti­on of the escape and arrest of Bel­ta­gy, Hega­zy and Eri­an being very vague #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h — #MOI pres­ser was just cut on @ONtveg why? / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h — Why was the #MOI pres­ser cut on all chan­nels when it is not over yet ? #Egypt / Gigi Ibra­him ‏@Gsquare86 16h — #MOI no sit in will be tole­ra­ted in any sq in the enti­re coun­try and will be dealt with firm­ly in coor­di­na­ti­on with mili­ta­ry forces #Egypt /// — stop  :::  gigi ibra­him on twitter



kairo nachts


india : 17.02 - Gigi Ibra­him, ägyp­ti­sche Akti­vis­tin, twit­tert von Mit­ter­nacht bis 10 Uhr mor­gens fol­gen­de Sequen­zen in eng­li­scher Spra­che, 42 Tweets in ara­bi­scher Spra­che sind an die­ser Stel­le nicht wie­der­ge­ge­ben: 

Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 17h 

My friend’s uncle was shot and kil­led in ‪#Alex­an­dria along 5 others +100s inju­red while mil­li­ons of peo­p­le chee­ring Sisi to end bloodshed
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 17h 

Fol­low ‪@Fo2ElSoto7 report­ing on his uncle’s death and the inju­red from insi­de the hopi­tal in ‪#alex­an­dria ..may he RIP :(

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 17h 

Fol­low ‪@Moud_Aly for updates in ‪#Alex­an­dria
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 17h 

Com­ra­de Med­hat El Shin­na­wy got detai­ned by poli­ce in ‪#Damit­ta for rai­sing anti-SCAF ban­ner along with Sus­an Gho­niem and others

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 17h 

The situa­ti­on in ‪#alex­an­dria is inten­se, 150 arres­ted inclu­ding women and inju­red (trans­la­ti­on of ‪#PT ) armed thugs around the mos­que
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 16h 

‪@Beltrew by 6 oct brig­de on nasr st …it’s far from cen­ter that why u cant see it
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 16h 

‪@alaa ‪@Fo2ElSoto7 while army and poli­ce the­re but not inter­vening

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 14h 

Reprots on clas­hes by ‪#Rabaa pro Mor­sy sit-in resul­ting in 3 dead and many inju­red (so far), seems like Sisi’s man­da­te is in effect.

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 14h 

I live in ‪#NasrCi­ty clo­se to ‪#Rabaa and I can hear the sound of the ambu­lan­ces the­re
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 13h 

‪@MowSamy the ques­ti­on is how did the­se wea­pons get the­re in the first place?
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 13h 

‪@QALAWA ‪@MowSamy exact­ly then who is respon­si­ble and should be pro­se­cu­ted? The lea­ders of ikhwan not kil­ling pro­tes­ters
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 13h 

‪@MowSamy to arrest the lea­ders of ikhwan even go into the sitin to cap­tu­re them, why r the­se ppl still free?
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 12h 

I am hea­ring gun shots from home ..near rabaa ‪#NasrCi­ty

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

I lite­ral­ly am hea­ring machi­ne guns being fired ‪#NasrCi­ty near ‪#Rabaa

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

Still hea­ring gun fire being shot while sit­ting home near / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

It’s a bit iro­nic that the tear gas being fired at Pro-Mor­sy pro­tes­ters was pro­ba­b­ly shipped/delivered under Mor­sy to be used against us

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

It is also iro­nic to read tweets coming from ‪#Rabaa abt how hor­ri­ble the tear gas is,simply cuz it has been a while sin­ce MB have smel­led it

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

Let me be clear,I didnt join pro­tests cal­ling for Sisi’s man­da­te &i’m against Mor­sy & ‪#Rabaa sitin but I only belie­ve in one slo­gan ‪#ACAB

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

Repe­ti­ti­ve gun shots ‪#NasrCi­ty ..near ‪#Rabaa

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11h 

‪@0301kalam check my time­line u idi­ot ‪#block! / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 10h 

I love hea­ring chruch bells in the mor­ning ..for a chan­ge ‪#NasrCi­ty

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 10h 

Still hea­ring gun shots being fired repe­ti­tively ‪#NasrCi­ty …near ‪#Rabaa
 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 9h 

‪#Rabaa field hos­pi­tal via ‪@soltanlife / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 9h 

GRAPHIC peo­p­le kil­led at ‪#Rabaa via ‪@3askarKateloon / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 9h 

GRAPHIC I’m against Mor­sy, against Sisi/SCAF man­da­te and against poli­ce kil­ling pro­tes­ters (pic) / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 9h 

The sound of gun fire on and off sin­ce 3am until now ..near ‪#Rabaa ‪#NasrCi­ty

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 9h 

GRAPHIC makes­hift hos­pi­tal 4hrs ago via ‪@moh_sawaf / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 9h 

:( RT ‪@kfahim: Nine­teen bodies in the ‪#Rabaa field hos­pi­tal just now. / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 8h 

I haven’t slept all night and I cant sleep ..this is real­ly too much hap­pe­ning to take in at once ‪#men­talb­reak­down

 Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 8h 

I am hea­ring someone yel­ling “ya allah” on the street by my house near ‪#Rabaa ‪#NasrCi­ty

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 8h 

I have a pro­blem w/ peo­p­le who are ok & actual­ly hap­py w/mascares even if I oppo­se tho­se being kil­led & would like to see them pro­se­cu­ted

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 8h 

MB will not lea­ve any easier now and anyo­ne who was ever in clas­hes b4 never for­gets the moment ur fri­end was kil­led regard­less of the cau­se

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 8h 

I will never for­gi­ve all the 60 years of past regimes, poli­ti­cal cor­rup­ti­on & dic­ta­tor­ship is the root of all night­ma­res we are living today

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 7h 

‪@Agenda_kid ‪@SoniaElSakka ‪@TheKaouther ‪@hfakhry dont open ur mouth befo­re actual­ly kno­wing what u r tal­king about ‪#idi­ot

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 7h 

:(( I still cant sleep ..I will try

 / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 8h 

Seems like in all Arab Spring sta­tes, ques­ti­on of poli­ti­cal Islam is domi­na­ting the streets and the poli­ti­cal sce­ne ‪#Tuni­sia ‪#Egypt ‪#Libya / Gigi Ibra­him ‏‪@Gsquare86‬ 11m 

I woke up hoping that the mas­sacre at Rabaa was just a night­ma­re to find out that I am day­d­re­a­ming ..last night was a tra­ge­dy RIP

 — stop :::  gigi ibra­him on twitter




india : 2.58 — Das Stimm­ge­räusch in mei­nem Kopf. Ob sich der Klang mei­ner den­ken­den Stim­me mit der ver­strei­chen­den Lebens­zeit ver­än­der­te? Habe ich als Kind mit­tels der Stim­me eines Kin­des gedacht? — Ich wer­de für die­se Fra­gen viel­leicht nie eine Ant­wort fin­den. Es ist zu spät. Aber ich könn­te einem Kind erklä­ren, was ich her­aus­zu­fin­den wün­sche. Das Kind wür­de mich viel­leicht mit einem vor­sich­ti­gen Lächeln betrach­ten, wür­de sei­ne Augen schlie­ßen und ein paar Sät­ze spre­chen im Kopf. Ist es einem mensch­li­chen Wesen über­haupt mög­lich, die eige­ne den­ken­de Stim­me, die Stim­me des Gehir­n­es, auf­zu­be­wah­ren, sich an sie zu erin­nern, sie zu ver­glei­chen? — Eine war­me Nacht. Fal­ter kom­men zum Ster­ben her­ein. Und Mari­en­kä­fer, wie­der ein gutes Dut­zend. Die­se Käfer sind merk­wür­di­ge Wesen. Ich ken­ne sie, solan­ge ich den­ken kann. Sie wan­dern an der Zim­mer­de­cke. Das Licht mei­ner Lam­pi­ons scheint ihnen zu gefal­len, als ob sie von die­sem Licht zeh­ren könn­ten. Sobald es dun­kel gewor­den ist, wenn sie schla­fen oder däm­mern, fal­len sie zu Boden, als ob es im Dun­kel nicht mög­lich wäre, recht­zei­tig die Flü­gel zu öff­nen. — Gigi Ibra­him, Akti­vis­tin, twit­tert aus Kai­ro: Ever­y­ti­me someone say „30 June revo­lu­ti­on“ or „army and peo­p­le one hand“ I die a litt­le insi­de. — stop



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india : 0.16 — Drei Jah­re sind seit Ent­de­ckung der Papier­tier­chen ver­gan­gen, ihr küh­ler Mund, ihr Jah­res­atem, der das Volu­men einer Blau­bee­re füllt. stop. Drei Blau­bee­ren Zeit. stop. Denk­bar ist, dass ich in der Beob­ach­tung der Film­strö­me, die mei­nen Com­pu­ter aus Kai­ro errei­chen, eine Vor­stel­lung ent­wi­ckelt habe, inwie­fern sich das Geräusch eines Feu­er­werks­kör­pers von Pis­to­len- oder Gewehr­schüs­sen unter­schei­den könn­te. — stop





india : 5.01 — Um 2 Uhr nachts sit­zen plötz­lich hun­der­te Flie­gen an den Fens­tern. Beben­de Flü­gel, hel­le, fast wei­ße Kör­per. Unter ihren Füßen das Licht eines künst­li­chen Tages, hin­ter ihren Rücken Gewit­ter­blit­ze. Indes­sen brum­men drei Mari­en­kä­fer durchs Zim­mer. Beob­ach­te­te Becketts absur­de Schach­par­tie, die in sei­nem Roman Mur­phy zu fin­den ist. Unge­üb­te Augen könn­ten irren: e4 Ng8h6 2. Ng1h3 Rh8g8 3. Rh1g1 Nb8c6 4. Nb1c3 Nc6e5 5. Nc3d5 Rg8h8 6. Rg1h1 Ne5c6 7. Nd5c3 Nh6g8 8. Nc3b1 Nc6b8 9. Nh3g1 e6 10. g3 Ng8e7 11. Ng1e2 Ne7g6 12. g4 Bf8e7 13. Ne2g3 d6 14. Bf1e2 Qd8d7 15. d3 Ke8d8 16. Qd1d2 Qd7e8 17. Ke1d1 Nb8d7 18. Nb1c3 Ra8b8 19. Ra1b1 Nd7b6 20. Nc3a4 Bc8d7 21. b3 Rh8g8 22. Rh1g1 Kd8c8 23. Bc1b2 Qe8f8 24. Kd1c1 Bd7e8 25. Bb2c Ng6h8 26. b4 Be7d8 27. Qd2h6 Nb6a8 28. Qh6f6 Nh8g6 29. Bc3e5 Bd8e7 30. Na4c5 Kc8d8 31. Ng3h1 Be8d7 32. Kc1b2 Rg8h8 33. Kb2b3 Bd7c8 34. Kb3a4 Qf8e8 35. Ka4a5 Na8b6 36. Be5f4 Nb6d7 37. Qf6c3 Rb8a8 38. Nc5a6 Be7f8 39. Ka5b5 Ng6e7 40. Kb5a5 Nd7b8 41. Qc3cNe7g8 42. Ka5b5 Kd8e7 43. Kb5a5 Qe8d8 — stop





india : 5.45 — Bei leich­tem Regen ges­tern im Park einen älte­ren Herrn beob­ach­tet. Er arbei­te­te an einem Buch, das ich zunächst nicht bemerk­te, weil der Herr auf einer Bank saß im Schat­ten eines Regen­schir­mes. Als ich neben ihm Platz genom­men hat­te, konn­te ich erken­nen, wie der Mann tat­säch­lich Zei­chen in einem Buch notier­te, das nicht grö­ßer gewe­sen war als eine Streich­holz­schach­tel. Neben ihm lag ein wei­te­res Buch, Phil­ip Roths Roman Ever­y­man. Der Mann schien das eine Buch hand­schrift­lich in das ande­re Buch zu über­tra­gen. Er notier­te mit einem Blei­stift, den er nach jedem geschrie­be­nen Zei­chen spitz­te. Rot­kehl­chen hüpf­ten zu sei­nen Füßen her­um, pick­ten das leich­te, hauch­dün­ne Holz, das aus der Spitz­ma­schi­ne fiel, vom Boden und tru­gen es fort ins nahe Unter­holz. Ein Ver­grö­ße­rungs­glas, eine Lupe, klemm­te im lin­ken Auge des Herrn, des­halb ver­mut­lich mach­te er den Ein­druck, Schmer­zen zu haben. Manch­mal biss er sich auf die Zun­ge. Wenn ich mich nicht irre, dann hat­te der Mann bereits etwa 100 Sei­ten des Roma­nes trans­fe­riert. Ich sah ihm bald eine Stun­de zu, ohne ein Wort mit ihm zu wech­seln. Fried­lichs­te Stim­mung. Auf dem See drau­ßen hüpf­ten Karp­fen aus dem Was­ser, schwe­re Kör­per. Ein paar Amei­sen trie­ben auf einem Blatt an uns vor­bei. Ich hät­te mich ger­ne unter­hal­ten, weil mir in den ver­gan­ge­nen Tagen unheim­lich zumu­te gewe­sen ist, wäh­rend ich Fern­seh­bil­der aus der Stadt Bos­ton beob­ach­te­te. Der alte, schrei­ben­de Mann aber war so ver­tieft in sei­ne Arbeit, dass er mei­ne Gegen­wart schnell ver­ges­sen zu haben schien. Ich stell­te mir vor, dass er in die­ser Arbeit gefan­gen oder gebor­gen, viel­leicht über­haupt nicht wahr­ge­nom­men hat­te, was in Bos­ton gesche­hen war. Viel­leicht wuss­te er nicht ein­mal vom Krieg in Syri­en oder von der Ent­de­ckung des Higgs-Teil­chens. Als es dun­kel wur­de, setz­te sich der alte Mann eine Stirn­lam­pe auf den Kopf. Für einen Moment leuch­te­te er mir ins Gesicht, um sofort in sei­ner Arbeit fort­zu­fah­ren. — stop


